Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Nother Fish. And boys, too!

Today He and She goes out and He and She do not takes me with them. I was going to be mad at He & She but they buys good meats and I gets to eats some so I eats mine treat from the market and I forgetted to be mad. I likes that meats!

And then when it was after mine food time, we goes out in the boat and She catchered a BIG fish. It was even bigger than She's nother fish! And it flops around on the boat when He is trying to measure it and it TOUCHERED ME!! But it do not hurts me.

Hank and his boys go fishing too, but they goes in the nother boat, not in mine boat. They do not catches a big fish this time but the big boy did catched one the nother time and he gived it to He and She and me to eat. It was a yummy fishie.

We does not gets to eat She's fish today. He letted it go back in the lake after She takes pictures.

And then She takes pictures of those boys and Hank too cuz the small one wants to be in mine blog. They has to wait for me to stop peeing for She to take pictures of that boy and me because I has to pee a long time. Even though I already peed on the dock when we gets back from catching that big fish. She do not likes it too much when I pees on the dock.

But it bees better than jumping in the water to go pee, She says. If I jumps in the water I gets wet and She do not likes to smell me when I be wet. I do not knows why. When I bees wet I smells just the way a wet dog is supposed to smells. I says.

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