Monday, June 3, 2013


Today He did not had enough bugs to kill to keep He busy.

So He do thinked Aswell and me might could liked to had we furs cutted.

He do not be right!!

Aswell do not minded to get he's furs cutted but I do not liked to had mine furs cutted so much.

But I do had to anyway cuz He do be a little bit bossy sometimes and when He do sayed we do had to had we's furs cutted, we do HAD to getted cutted!

She sayed that She will taked pictures of we new furcuts tomorrow for we blog.

So you will had to come back to see we!


  1. I am sorry about the furcuts. I get scaired of that too.

    1. I do liked to not had so much furs when it do getted too hot but I do NOT liked my furs to get cutted one bit. And I do not liked baths too much neither.

      Aswell do not minded but that do be cuz he do be more dumber than me. He do thinked if He do payed attention to he, it do be all good even if he do had to had a bath or a fur cutted.

  2. That do be too bad. I gotted mine furs cutted too. I do not likes it so much. But I do not has to have so much paw cleanings when mine furs do be shorter!

    1. That do be why He and She do cutted my furs on my paws very much too short cuz He and She sayed I do bringed too much dirts in we house!

  3. Furcuts??? OMG we hope that they have steady hands....

    1. I do thinked they do had good hands for furscutting. They do not hurted we; they do just maked me mad cuz I do not liked to stay where He wanted me to stayed.
