It is so nice outside today! Even the ices is melting!
But Aswell do not wanted to come outside and play with me.
I do tried very hard to getted Aswell to come play with me outside.
I goed outside and I scratched and whined at the door so She would come and open it so Aswell can comed outside to play with me.
He did not.
I did not comed back in! I runned away and She closed the door and She tried to work some more.
Then I scratched and whined at the door again and She camed and opened the door again but Aswell still do not wanted to come out and I still do not wanted to come in.
I will keep trying though!! Maybe sometime Aswell will like to come and play with me.
maybe it was still to cold for him...or he's just a wimp lol..wait until it's summer then i'm sure he'll want to be outside all the time