Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I hads company today

Today Max camed to visit me.

We getted along better than the last time he came here. We still hads some spats, but he is not ascared of me any more.

We had treats. And then we checks the floor in case there might be treat crumbs.

They was yummy liver treats and I gets 2 but Max only gets 1.


  1. Poor little Max got gypped! Well, maybe he is too small to have two liver treats. I get dried up liver treats, too. It's delicious.

  2. They are so delicious!

    I gets them now sometimes instead of cheeses when we goes for our walk cuz She doesn't like it when the cheeses gets hot and messy in her pockets.

    I doesn't care if it is hot and messy cuz it's hot outside though. Cheeses taste good hot or cold.
