Saturday, May 16, 2009

Come Walk With Scrooge - Part 2

He says don't walk in the shiny stuffs. But I does it anyway now. I never used to like puddles but then Lady taught me that they is not scary. So I walks in the water now. And sometimes I drinks it too.

I likes to sniff lots of times. Sometimes She doesn't like to wait while I sniffs and sniffs. She is trying to lose weight so she wants to keep moving. But I needs to sniff!

After the muddy part we get to the Tay Shoreline Trail and we see the bridge. She stops to look for the fishes. No fishes yet though.

This is the corner just past the river. That green can is where She throws my poops. If we turns here, we maybe are going to see the lady and Lady. But this time it was a surprise!

We wasn't going to see Lady & the lady - but look who drove up just when we getted there!

It's Him. He was working but He seed us so he stopped to say hello.

After we getted walking again, we went by this silly dog's house. He is a nut, this one. When he sees us coming he runs very fast to the fence and then he runs back and forth and back and forth barking at me. I doesn't bark back at him or try to catch him cuz then I gets no cheeses. She had to take a lot of pictures to get one that showed him cuz he runs so fast. He is a silly little dog.

Time to get going again. We are almost to town now.

Aha! A nother surprise! That's why she said no we couldn't go see Sue at her house. Sue is at works today. We gets to go see her at work behind the grocery store. I wags my tail lots when we sees her and she pets me.

Now we are in front of the grocery store. The post office where we go is down at the far end. Oh no! I don't get to go to the post office this time. I doesn't knows why.

This is our store where He used to work. It is closed now, but sometimes when She has to go buy stuffs while we are downtown, she leaves me in the store.

I sits in the door and waits for her. I bark and bark when I can sees Her but I am quiet the rest of the times.

Then it is time to walk back home. But look! A nother surprise! That is the lady! And Lady! And my babies! That is Hunter! And Colton!

We gets to stop and play for a little while! We had a very fun walk, didn't we? And see, Daisy - I can smiles too, just like you!


  1. Hi, dog! U is a very good dog. I likes ur day story.

  2. Scrooge, you are smiling real GOOD! I would smile too if I got to go on such a fun walk. I only get to go Outside in my stroller.
