That is Mandy with Aswell. Mandy do likes us puppies but she do liked to dressed us up!
I think I could get to be a good model just like Daisy!
Aswell hadded clothes AND a pony tail on the top of his head!
Aswell might move too much to be a good model!
He is a more hyperdog than me!
And he do bees silly too!
She do thinks that Aswell might likes to has a coat to wear outside when there is snows. Because he do gets much colder than me. I has nice thick furs and I do not gets cold and shivery like Aswell does.
Aswell hadded clothes AND a pony tail on the top of his head!
Aswell might move too much to be a good model!
He is a more hyperdog than me!
And he do bees silly too!
She do thinks that Aswell might likes to has a coat to wear outside when there is snows. Because he do gets much colder than me. I has nice thick furs and I do not gets cold and shivery like Aswell does.
You done good modeling! I hope you got lots and lots of treats for modeling. It says so in the Cat/Dog Modeling Union Contract.